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430.32—Energy and water conservation standards and their effective dates.

The energy and water (in the case of faucets, showerheads, water closets, and urinals) conservation standards for the covered product classes are:
(a) Refrigerators/refrigerator-freezers/freezers. These standards do not apply to refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers with total refrigerated volume exceeding 39 cubic feet (1104 liters) or freezers with total refrigerated volume exceeding 30 cubic feet (850 liters).
Product class Energy standards equations for maximum energy use(kWh/yr)
EffectiveJanuary 1, 1993 EffectiveJuly 1, 2001
1. Refrigerators and Refrigerator-freezers with manual defrost 13.5AV 2990.48av 299 8.82AV 248.40.31av 248.4
2. Refrigerator-Freezer—partial automatic defrost 10.4AV 3980.37av 398 8.82AV 248.40.31av 248.4
3. Refrigerator-Freezers—automatic defrost with top-mounted freezer without through-the-door ice service and all-refrigerators—automatic defrost 16.0AV 3550.57av 355 9.80AV 276.00.35av 276.0
4. Refrigerator-Freezers—automatic defrost with side-mounted freezer without through-the-door ice service 11.8AV 5010.42AV 501 4.91AV 507.50.17av 507.5
Code of Federal Regulations 378
5. Refrigerator-Freezers—automatic defrost with bottom-mounted freezer without through-the-door ice service 16.5AV 3670.58av 367 4.60AV 459.00.16av 459.0
6. Refrigerator-Freezers—automatic defrost with top-mounted freezer with through-the-door ice service 17.6AV 3910.62av 391 10.20AV 356.00.36av 356.0
7. Refrigerator-Freezers—automatic defrost with side-mounted freezer with through-the-door ice service 16.3AV 5270.58av 527 10.10AV 406.00.36av 406.0
8. Upright Freezers with Manual Defrost 10.3AV 2640.36av 264 7.55AV 258.30.27av 258.3
9. Upright Freezers with Automatic Defrost 14.9AV 3910.53av 391 12.43AV 326.10.44av 326.1
10. Chest Freezers and all other Freezers except Compact Freezers 11.0AV 1600.39av 160 9.88AV 143.70.35av 143.7
11. Compact Refrigerators and Refrigerator-Freezers with Manual Defrost 13.5AV 299a 0.48av 299a 10.70AV 299.00.38av 299.0
12. Compact Refrigerator-Freezer—partial automatic defrost 10.4AV 398a 0.37av 398a 7.00AV 398.00.25av 398.0
13. Compact Refrigerator-Freezers—automatic defrost with top-mounted freezer and compact all-refrigerators—automatic defrost 16.0AV 355a 0.57av 355a 12.70AV 355.00.45av 355.0
14. Compact Refrigerator-Freezers—automatic defrost with side-mounted freezer 11.8AV 501a 0.42av 501a 7.60AV 501.00.27av 501.0
15. Compact Refrigerator-Freezers—automatic defrost with bottom-mounted freezer 16.5AV 367a 0.58av 367a 13.10AV 367.00.46av 367.0
16. Compact Upright Freezers with Manual Defrost 10.3AV 264a 0.36av 264a 9.78AV 250.80.35av 250.8
17. Compact Upright Freezers with Automatic Defrost 14.9AV 391a 0.53av 391a 11.40AV 391.00.40av 391.0
18. Compact Chest Freezers 11.0AV 160a 0.39av 160a 10.45AV 152.00.37av 152.0
AV=Total adjusted volume, expressed in ft.3, as determined in Appendices A1 and B1 of subpart B of this part.
av=Total adjusted volume, expressed in Liters.
a Applicable standards for compact refrigerator products manufactured before July 1, 2001. Compact refrigerator products are not separate product categories under the standards effective January 1, 1993.
(b) Room air conditioners.
Product class Energy efficiency ratio, effective as of
Jan. 1, 1990 Oct. 1, 2000
1. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and less than 6,000 Btu/h 8.0 9.7
2. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 6,000 to 7,999 Btu/h 8.5 9.7
3. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 8,000 to 13,999 Btu/h 9.0 9.8
4. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 14,000 to 19,999 Btu/h 8.8 9.7
5. Without reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 20,000 Btu/h or more 8.2 8.5
6. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and less than 6,000 Btu/h 8.0 9.0
7. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 6,000 to 7,999 Btu/h 8.5 9.0
8. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 8,000 to 13,999 Btu/h 8.5 8.5
9. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 14,000 to 19,999 Btu/h 8.5 8.5
10. Without reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 20,000 Btu/h or more 8.2 8.5
11. With reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and less than 20,000 Btu/h 8.5 9.0
12. With reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and less than 14,000 Btu/h 8.0 8.5
13. With reverse cycle, with louvered sides, and 20,000 Btu/h or more 8.5 8.5
14. With reverse cycle, without louvered sides, and 14,000 Btu/h or more 8.0 8.0
15. Casement-Only * 8.7
16. Casement-Slider * 9.5
* Casement-only and casement-slider room air conditioners are not separate product classes under standards effective January 1, 1990. These units are subject to the applicable standards in classes 1 through 14 based on unit capacity and the presence or absence of louvered sides and a reverse cycle.
(c) Central air conditioners and heat pumps. The energy conservation standards defined in terms of the heating seasonal performance factor are based on Region IV, the minimum standardized design heating requirement, and the sampling plan stated in § 430.24(m).
(1) Split system central air conditioners and central air conditioning heat pumps manufactured after January 1, 1992, and before January 23, 2006, and single package central air conditioners and central air conditioning heat pumps manufactured after January 1, 1993, and before January 23, 2006, shall have Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and Heating Seasonal Performance Factor no less than:
Product class Seasonal energy efficiency ratio Heating seasonal performance factor
(i) Split systems 10.0 6.8
(ii) Single package systems 9.7 6.6
(2) Central air conditioners and central air conditioning heat pumps manufactured on or after January 23, 2006, shall have Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio and Heating Seasonal Performance Factor no less than:
Product class Seasonalenergyefficiencyratio(SEER) Heatingseasonalperformancefactor(HSPF)
(i) Split system air conditioners 13
(ii) Split system heat pumps 13 7.7
(iii) Single package air conditioners 13
(iv) Single package heat pumps 13 7.7
(v)(A) Through-the-wall air conditioners and heat pumps-split system 1 10.9 7.1
(v)(B) Through-the-wall air conditioners and heat pumps-single package 1 10.6 7.0
(vi) Small duct, high velocity systems 13 7.7
(vii)(A) Space constrained products-air conditioners 12
(vii)(B) Space constrained products-heat pumps 12 7.4
1 As defined in § 430.2 , this product class applies to products manufactured prior to January 23, 2010.
(d) Water heaters. The energy factor of water heaters shall not be less than the following for products manufactured on or after the indicated dates.
Product class Energy factor as of January 20, 2004 Energy factor as of April 16, 2015
Gas-fired Water Heater 0.67−(0.0019 × Rated Storage Volume in gallons) For tanks with a Rated Storage Volume at or below 55 gallons: EF = 0.675−(0.0015 × Rated Storage Volume in gallons).For tanks with a Rated Storage Volume above 55 gallons: EF = 0.8012−(0.00078 × Rated Storage Volume in gallons).
Oil-fired Water Heater 0.59−(0.0019 × Rated Storage Volume in gallons) EF = 0.68−(0.0019 × Rated Storage Volume in gallons).
Electric Water Heater 0.97−(0.00132 × Rated Storage Volume in gallons) For tanks with a Rated Storage Volume at or below 55 gallons: EF = 0.960−(0.0003 × Rated Storage Volume in gallons).For tanks with a Rated Storage Volume above 55 gallons: EF = 2.057−(0.00113 × Rated Storage Volume in gallons).
Tabletop Water Heater 0.93−(0.00132 × Rated Storage Volume in gallons) EF = 0.93−(0.00132 × Rated Storage Volume in gallons).
Instantaneous Gas-fired Water Heater 0.62−(0.0019 × Rated Storage Volume in gallons) EF = 0.82−(0.0019 × Rated Storage Volume in gallons).
Instantaneous Electric Water Heater 0.93−(0.00132 × Rated Storage Volume in gallons) EF = 0.93−(0.00132 × Rated Storage Volume in gallons).
Note: The Rated Storage Volume equals the water storage capacity of a water heater, in gallons, as specified by the manufacturer.
(e) Furnaces and boilers. (1) Furnaces. The Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) of residential furnaces manufactured before November 19, 2015, shall not be less than the following:
Product class AFUE 1 (percent)
(A) Furnaces (excluding classes noted below) 78
(B) Mobile Home furnaces 75
(C) Small furnaces (other than those designed solely for installation in mobile homes) having an input rate of less than 45,000 Btu/hr
(1) Weatherized (outdoor) 78
(2) Non-weatherized (indoor) 78
1 Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency, as determined in § 430.23(n)(2) of this part.
(ii) The AFUE of residential furnaces manufactured on or after November 19, 2015, shall not be less than the following:
Product class AFUE 1 (percent)
(A) Non-weatherized gas furnaces 80
(B) Weatherized gas furnaces 81
(C) Mobile home oil-fired furnaces 75
(D) Mobile home gas furnaces 80
(E) Non-weatherized oil-fired furnaces 82
(F) Weatherized oil-fired furnaces 78
1 Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency, as determined in § 430.23(n)(2) of this part.
(2) Boilers. (i) The AFUE of residential boilers manufactured before September 1, 2012, shall not be less than the following:
Product class AFUE 1 (percent)
(A) Boilers (excluding gas steam) 80
(B) Gas steam boilers 75
1 Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency, as determined in § 430.22(n)(2) of this part.
(ii) Except as provided in paragraph (e)(2)(iv) of this section, the AFUE of residential boilers, manufactured on or after September 1, 2012, shall not be less than the following and must comply with the design requirements as follows:
Product class AFUE 1(percent) Design requirements
(A) Gas-fired hot water boiler 82 Constant burning pilot not permitted.Automatic means for adjusting water temperature required (except for boilers equipped with tankless domestic water heating coils).
(B) Gas-fired steam boiler 80 Constant burning pilot not permitted.
(C) Oil-fired hot water boiler 84 Automatic means for adjusting temperature required (except for boilers equipped with tankless domestic water heating coils).
(D) Oil-fired steam boiler 82 None.
(E) Electric hot water boiler None Automatic means for adjusting temperature required (except for boilers equipped with tankless domestic water heating coils).
1 Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency, as determined in § 430.22(n)(2) of this part.
(iii) Automatic means for adjusting water temperature. (A) The automatic means for adjusting water temperature as required under paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section must automatically adjust the temperature of the water supplied by the boiler to ensure that an incremental change in inferred heat load produces a corresponding incremental change in the temperature of water supplied.
(B) For boilers that fire at a single input rate, the automatic means for adjusting water temperature requirement may be satisfied by providing an automatic means that allows the burner or heating element to fire only when the means has determined that the inferred heat load cannot be met by the residual heat of the water in the system.
(C) When there is no inferred heat load with respect to a hot water boiler, the automatic means described in this paragraph shall limit the temperature of the water in the boiler to not more than 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
(D) A boiler for which an automatic means for adjusting water temperature is required shall be operable only when the automatic means is installed.
(iv) A boiler that is manufactured to operate without any need for electricity or any electric connection, electric gauges, electric pumps, electric wires, or electric devices is not required to meet the AFUE or design requirements applicable to the boiler requirements of paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section, but must meet the requirements of paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this section, as applicable.
(f) Dishwashers. (1) The energy factor of dishwashers manufactured on or after May 14, 1994, must not be less than:
Product class Energy factor(cycles/kWh)
(i) Compact Dishwasher (capacity less than eight place settings plus six serving pieces as specified in ANSI/AHAM DW-1 [Incorporated by reference, see § 430.22 ] using the test load specified in section 2.7 of Appendix C in subpart B) 0.62
(ii) Standard Dishwasher (capacity equal to or greater than eight place settings plus six serving pieces as specified in ANSI/AHAM DW-1 [Incorporated by Reference, see § 430.22 ] using the test load specified in section 2.7 of Appendix C in subpart B) 0.46
(2) All dishwashers manufactured on or after January 1, 2010, shall meet the following standard—
(i) Standard size dishwashers shall not exceed 355 kwh/year and 6.5 gallons per cycle.
(ii) Compact size dishwashers shall not exceed 260 kwh/year and 4.5 gallons per cycle.
(g) Clothes washers. (1) Clothes washers manufactured before January 1, 2004, shall have an energy factor no less than:
Product Class Energy factor(cu.ft./kWh/cycle)
i. Top-Loading, Compact (less than 1.6 ft.3 capacity) 0.9.
ii. Top-Loading, Standard (1.6 ft.3 or greater capacity) 1.18.
iii. Top-Loading, Semi-Automatic 1 Not Applicable.
iv. Front-Loading 1 Not Applicable.
v. Suds-saving 1 Not Applicable.
1 Must have an unheated rinse water option.
(2) Clothes washers manufactured on or after January 1, 2004, and before January 1, 2007, shall have a modified energy factor no less than:
Product Class Modified energyfactor(cu.ft./kWh/cycle)
i. Top-Loading, Compact (less than 1.6 ft.3 capacity) 0.65.
ii. Top-Loading, Standard (1.6 ft.3 or greater capacity) 1.04.
iii. Top-Loading, Semi-Automatic 1 Not Applicable.
iv. Front-Loading 1.04.
v. Suds-saving 1 Not Applicable.
1 Must have an unheated rinse water option.
(3) Clothes washers manufactured on or after January 1, 2007, shall have a modified energy factor no less than:
Product Class Modified energyfactor(cu.ft./kWh/cycle)
i. Top-Loading, Compact (less than 1.6 ft.3 capacity) 0.65.
ii. Top-Loading, Standard (1.6 ft.3 or greater capacity) 1.26.
iii. Top-Loading, Semi-Automatic 1 Not Applicable.
iv. Front-Loading 1.26.
v. Suds-saving 1 Not Applicable.
1 Must have an unheated rinse water option.
(4) All top-loading or front-loading standard-size residential clothes washers manufactured on or after January 1, 2011, shall meet the following standard—
(i) A Modified Energy Factor of at least 1.26; and
(ii) A water factor of not more than 9.5.
(h) Clothes dryers. (1) Gas clothes dryers manufactured between January 1, 1988, and May 14, 1994, shall not be equipped with a constant burning pilot.
(2) Clothes dryers manufactured on or after May 14, 1994, shall have an energy factor no less than;
Product class Energy factor (lbs/KWh)
i. Electric, Standard (4.4 ft 3 or greater capacity) 3.01
ii. Electric, Compact (120v) (less than 4.4 ft 3 capacity) 3.13
iii. Electric, Compact (240v) (less than 4.4 ft 3 capacity) 2.90
iv. Gas 2.67
(i) Direct heating equipment. (1) Vented home heating equipment manufactured on or after January 1, 1990 and before April 16, 2013, shall have an annual fuel utilization efficiency no less than:
Product class Annual fuel utilization efficiency, Jan. 1, 1990 (percent)
1. Gas wall fan type up to 42,000 Btu/h 73
2. Gas wall fan type over 42,000 Btu/h 74
3. Gas wall gravity type up to 10,000 Btu/h 59
4. Gas wall gravity type over 10,000 Btu/h up to 12, 000 Btu/h 60
5. Gas wall gravity type over 12,000 Btu/h up to 15,000 Btu/h 61
6. Gas wall gravity type over 15,000 Btu/h up to 19,000 Btu/h 62
7. Gas wall gravity type over 19,000 Btu/h and up to 27,000 Btu/h 63
8. Gas wall gravity type over 27,000 Btu/h and up to 46,000 Btu/h 64
9. Gas wall gravity type over 46,000 Btu/h 65
10. Gas floor up to 37,000 Btu/h 56
11. Gas floor over 37,000 Btu/h 57
12. Gas room up to 18,000 Btu/h 57
13. Gas room over 18,000 Btu/h up to 20,000 Btu/h 58
14. Gas room over 20,000 Btu/h up to 27,000 Btu/h 63
15. Gas room over 27,000 Btu/h up to 46,000 Btu/h 64
16. Gas room over 46,000 Btu/h 65
(2) Vented home heating equipment manufactured on or after April 16, 2013, shall have an annual fuel utilization efficiency no less than:
Product class Annual fuel utilization efficiency, April 16, 2013 (percent)
1. Gas wall fan type up to 42,000 Btu/h 75
2. Gas wall fan type over 42,000 Btu/h 76
3. Gas wall gravity type up to 27,000 Btu/h 65
4. Gas wall gravity type over 27,000 Btu/h up to 46,000 Btu/h 66
5. Gas wall gravity type over 46,000 Btu/h 67
6. Gas floor up to 37,000 Btu/h 57
7. Gas floor over 37,000 Btu/h 58
8. Gas room up to 20,000 Btu/h 61
9. Gas room over 20,000 Btu/h up to 27,000 Btu/h 66
10. Gas room over 27,000 Btu/h up to 46,000 Btu/h 67
11. Gas room over 46,000 Btu/h 68
12. Gas hearth up to 20,000 Btu/h 61
13. Gas hearth over 20,000 Btu/h and up to 27,000 Btu/h 66
14. Gas hearth over 27,000 Btu/h and up to 46,000 Btu/h 67
15. Gas hearth over 46,000 Btu/h 68
(j) Cooking Products. (1) Gas cooking products with an electrical supply cord shall not be equipped with a constant burning pilot light. This standard is effective on January 1, 1990.
(2) Gas cooking products without an electrical supply cord shall not be equipped with a constant burning pilot light. This standard is effective on April 9, 2012.
(k) Pool heaters. (1) Gas-fired pool heaters manufactured on or after January 1, 1990 and before April 16, 2013, shall have a thermal efficiency not less than 78%.
(2) Gas-fired pool heaters manufactured on or after April 16, 2013, shall have a thermal efficiency not less than 82%.
(l) Television sets. [Reserved]
(m) (1) Fluorescent lamp ballasts (other than specialty application mercury vapor lamp ballasts). Except as provided in paragraphs (m)(2), (m)(3), (m)(4), (m)(5), (m)(6) and (m)(7) of this section, each fluorescent lamp ballast—
(i) (A) Manufactured on or after January 1, 1990;
(B) Sold by the manufacturer on or after April 1, 1990; or
(C) Incorporated into a luminaire by a luminaire manufacturer on or after April 1, 1991; and
(ii) Designed—
(A) To operate at nominal input voltages of 120 or 277 volts;
(B) To operate with an input current frequency of 60 Hertz; and
(C) For use in connection with an F40T12, F96T12, or F96T12HO lamps shall have a power factor of 0.90 or greater and shall have a ballast efficacy factor not less than the following:
Application for operation of Ballast inputvoltage Total nominal lamp watts Ballastefficacy factor
One F40 T12 lamp 120277 4040 1.8051.805
Two F40 T12 lamps 120277 8080 1.0601.050
Two F96T12 lamps 120277 150150 0.5700.570
Two F96T12HO lamps 120277 220220 0.3900.390
(2) The standards described in paragraph (m)(1) of this section do not apply to—
(i) A ballast that is designed for dimming or for use in ambient temperatures of 0 °F or less, or
(ii) A ballast that has a power factor of less than 0.90 and is designed for use only in residential building applications.
(3) Except as provided in paragraph (m)(4) of this section, each fluorescent lamp ballast—
(i) (A) Manufactured on or after April 1, 2005;
(B) Sold by the manufacturer on or after July 1, 2005; or
(C) Incorporated into a luminaire by a luminaire manufacturer on or after April 1, 2006; and
(ii) Designed—
(A) To operate at nominal input voltages of 120 or 277 volts;
(B) To operate with an input current frequency of 60 Hertz; and
(C) For use in connection with an F40T12, F96T12, or F96T12HO lamps; shall have a power factor of 0.90 or greater and shall have a ballast efficacy factor not less than the following:
Application of operation of Ballast inputvoltage Total nominal lamp watts Ballastefficacy factor
One F40 T12 lamp 120277 4040 2.292.29
Two F40 T12 lamps 120277 8080 1.171.17
Two F96T12 lamps 120277 150150 0.630.63
Two F96T12HO lamps 120277 220220 0.390.39
(4) (i) The standards described in paragraph (m)(3) do not apply to:
(A) A ballast that is designed for dimming to 50 percent or less of its maximum output;
(B) A ballast that is designed for use with two F96T12HO lamps at ambient temperatures of −20 °F or less and for use in an outdoor sign;
(C) A ballast that has a power factor of less than 0.90 and is designed and labeled for use only in residential building applications; or
(D) A replacement ballast as defined in paragraph (m)(4)(ii) of this section.
(ii) For purposes of this paragraph (m), a replacement ballast is defined as a ballast that:
(A) Is manufactured on or before June 30, 2010;
(B) Is designed for use to replace an existing ballast in a previously installed luminaire;
(D) Is shipped by the manufacturer in packages containing not more than 10 ballasts;
(E) Has output leads that when fully extended are a total length that is less than the length of the lamp with which it is intended to be operated; and
(F) Meets or exceeds the ballast efficacy factor in the following table:
Application for operation of Ballast inputvoltage Total nominal lamp watts Ballastefficacy factor
One F40 T12 lamp 120277 4040 1.8051.805
Two F40 T12 lamps 120277 8080 1.0601.050
Two F96T12 lamps 120277 150150 0.5700.570
Two F96T12HO lamps 120277 220220 0.3900.390
(5) Except as provided in paragraph (m)(7) of this section, each fluorescent lamp ballast (other than replacement ballasts defined in § 430.2 )—
(i) (A) Manufactured on or after July 1, 2009;
(B) Sold by the manufacturer on or after Octobe