All applications, requests, petitions, appeals, reports, DOE or FEO forms, written communications and other documents to be submitted to or filed with the DOE National Office in accordance with this chapter shall be addressed as provided in this section. The DOE National Office has facilities for the receipt of transmissions via TWX and FAX. The FAX is a 3M full duplex 4 or 6 minute (automatic) machine.
(202) 254-6175 |
(701) 822-9454 |
(202) 254-6461 |
(701) 822-9459 |
Documents for which a specific address and/or code number is not provided in accordance with paragraphs (a)(2) through (7) of this section, shall be addressed as follows: Department of Energy, Attn: (name of person to receive document, if known, or subject), Washington, DC 20461.
Documents to be filed with the Office of Exceptions and Appeals, as provided in this part or otherwise, shall be addressed as follows. Office of Exceptions and Appeals, Department of Energy, Attn: (name of person to receive document, if known, and/or labeling as specified in § 205.9(c) ), Washington, DC 20461.
Documents to be filed with the Office of General Counsel, as provided in this part or otherwise, shall be addressed as follows: Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Department of Energy, Attn: (name of person to receive document, if known, and labeling as specified in § 205.9(c) ), 1000 Independence Avenue, Washington, DC 20585.
Documents to be filed with the Office of Private Grievances and Redress, as provided in this part or otherwise, shall be addressed as follows: Office of Private Grievances and Redress, Department of Energy, Attn: (name of person to receive document, if known and/or labeling as specified in § 205.9(c) ), Washington, DC 20461.
All other documents filed, except those concerning price (see paragraph (a)(6) of this section), those designated as DOE or FEO forms (see paragraph (a)(7) of this section), and “Surplus Product Reports” (see paragraph (a)(8) of this section), but including those pertaining to compliance and allocation (adjustment and assignment) of allocated products, are to be identified by one of the code numbers stated below and addressed as follows: Department of Energy, Code__, labeling as specified in § 205.9(c), Washington, DC 20461.
Code Numbers
Product: |
Crude oil |
10 |
Naphtha and gas oil |
15 |
Propane, butane and natural gasoline |
25 |
Other products |
30 |
Bunker fuel |
40 |
Residual fuel (nonutility) |
50 |
Motor gasoline |
60 |
Middle distillates |
70 |
Aviation fuels |
80 |
Submissions by specific entities: |
Electric utilities |
45 |
Department of Defense |
55 |
Documents pertaining to the price of covered products, except those to be submitted to other offices as provided in this part, shall be addressed to the Department of Energy, Code 1000, Attn: (name of person to receive document, if known, and/or labeling as specified in § 205.9(c) ), Washington, DC 20461.
Documents designated as DOE or FEO forms shall be submitted in accordance with the instructions stated in the form.
“Surplus Product Reports” shall be submitted to the Department of Energy, Post Office Box 19407, Washington, DC 20036.
Documents to be filed with the Director of Oil Imports, as provided in this part or otherwise, shall be addressed as follows: Director of Oil Imports, Department of Energy, P.O. Box 7414, Washington, DC 20044.
Petitions for rulemaking to be filed with the Economic Regulatory Administration National Office shall be addressed as follows: Economic Regulatory Administration, Attn: Assistant Administrator for Regulations and Emergency Planning (labeled as “Petition for Rulemaking,”) 2000 M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20461.
All reports, applications, requests, notices, complaints, written communications and other documents to be submitted to or filed with an DOE Regional Office in accordance with this chapter shall be directed to one of the following addresses, as appropriate:
Code of Federal Regulations
(Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973,
15 U.S.C. 751
et seq., Pub. L. 93-159, as amended, Pub. L. 93-511, Pub. L. 94-99, Pub. L. 94-133, Pub. L. 94-163, and Pub. L. 94-385; Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974,
15 U.S.C. 787
et seq., Pub. L. 93-275, as amended, Pub. L. 94-332, Pub. L. 94-385, Pub. L. 95-70, and Pub. L. 95-91; Energy Policy and Conservation Act,
42 U.S.C. 6201
et seq., Pub. L. 94-163, as amended, Pub. L. 94-385, and Pub. L. 95-70; Department of Energy Organization Act,
42 U.S.C. 7101
et seq., Pub. L. 95-91; E.O. 11790, 39 FR 23185; E.O. 12009, 42 FR 46267)
Code of Federal Regulations
[39 FR 35489, Oct. 1, 1974, as amended at 40 FR 36555, Aug. 21, 1975; 45 FR 37684, June 4, 1980]