A general license is issued to any person to export to a destination listed in paragraph (b) of this section any nuclear reactor component of U.S. origin described in paragraphs (5) through (9) of Appendix A to this part if—
The component will be used in a light or heavy water-moderated power or research reactor; or
The component is in semifabricated form and will be undergoing final fabrication or repair in those countries for either subsequent return to the United States for use in a nuclear power or research reactor in the United States or in one of the destinations listed in paragraph (b) of this section.
The export of nuclear reactor components under the general license established in paragraph (a) of this section is approved to the following destinations:
This general license does not authorize the export of components, in final or semi-fabricated form, for research reactors capable of continuous operation above 5 MW thermal.
This general license does not authorize the export of essentially complete reactors through piecemeal exports of facility components. When individual exports of components would amount in the aggregate to export of an essentially complete nuclear reactor, a facility export license is required.
All exports under paragraph (a) of this section are subject to the reporting requirements in § 110.54(c).
Code of Federal Regulations
Note to § 110.26
U.S. Origin includes components produced or finished in the United States, even with non-U.S. content unless the foreign content is obligated by supplier government conditions, such as a prior consent for retransfer condition.
Code of Federal Regulations
[75 FR 44089, July 28, 2010]