The Director of Classification shall:
Manage the Government-wide system for the classification and declassification of RD and FRD in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act;
In coordination with the DoD, develop regulations to implement the RD and FRD classification system;
Determine whether nuclear-related information is RD;
Oversee agency implementation of the RD and FRD classification system to ensure compliance with this part;
Review agency implementing policies and conduct on-site reviews of each agency's program established under this part;
Prepare and distribute classification guides concerning RD and FRD and review such guides developed by any agency;
Consider and take action on complaints and suggestions from any person with respect to administration of this program; and
Periodically meet with interested members of the public to solicit input for the classification and declassification program.
The Chief Health, Safety and Security Officer shall:
Declassify RD which may be published without undue risk to the common defense and security;
Jointly with the DoD, determine which information in the RD category relating primarily to the miliary utilization of nuclear weapons may be declassified or placed into the FRD category; and
Jointly with the DoD, declassify FRD which may be published without undue risk to the common defense and security.
The DoD jointly with the DOE shall:
Determine which information in the RD category relating primarily to the military utilization of nuclear weapons may be declassified or placed into the FRD category;
Ensure that classification guides for FRD and RD relating primarily to the military utilization of nuclear weapons are prepared; and
Declassify FRD and RD relating primarily to the military utilization of nuclear weapons which may be published without undue risk to the common defense and security.
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) shall:
Jointly with the DOE, develop classification guides for programs over which both agencies have cognizance; and
Ensure the review and proper classification of RD by RD classifiers under this part, which is generated by the NRC or by its licensed or regulated facilities and activities.
Heads of Agencies with access to RD and FRD shall:
Ensure that RD and FRD are classified in such a manner as to assure the common defense and security in accordance with the policies established in this part;
Designate an RD management official to direct and administer the RD classification program within the agency; and
Promulgate implementing directives.
Agency RD management officials shall:
Jointly with the DOE, develop classification guides for programs over which both agencies have cognizance;
Ensure that agency and contractor personnel who generate RD and FRD documents have access to any classification guides needed;
Ensure that persons with access to RD and FRD are trained on the authorities required to classify and declassify RD and FRD information and documents and on handling procedures and that RD classifiers are trained on the procedures for classifying, declassifying, marking and handling RD and FRD information and documents; and
Cooperate and provide information as necessary to the Director of Classification to fulfill responsibilities under this part.
Code of Federal Regulations
[62 FR 68509, Dec. 31, 1997, as amended at 71 FR 68736, Nov. 28, 2006]