The purpose of this part is to implement Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Pub. L. 88-352; section 16 of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974, as amended, Pub. L. 93-275; section 401 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, Pub. L. 93-438; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, Pub. L. 92-318, Pub. L. 93-568 and Pub. L. 94-482; section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, Pub. L. 93-112; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Pub. L. 94-135; Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, Pub. L. 90-284; and civil rights provisions of statutes administered pursuant to authority under the DOE Organization Act, Pub. L. 95-91, so no person shall, on the ground of race, color, national origin, sex (when covered by section 16 and section 401 ), handicap, or age, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, be subjected to discrimination under, or be denied employment, where a primary purpose of the Federal financial assistance is to provide employment or when the delivery of services is affected by the recipient's employment practices (under section 504, all grantee and subgrantee employment practices are covered regardless of the purpose of the program), in connection with any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department of Energy (after this referred to as DOE or the Department). Employment coverage may be broader in scope when section 16, section 401, or Title IX are applicable.
DOE regulations on enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by DOE are in part 1041 of this chapter.
DOE regulations on enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of sex, under Title IX of the Education Act Amendments of 1972, as amended, are in part 1042 of this chapter.
Code of Federal Regulations
[45 FR 40515, June 13, 1980, as amended at 66 FR 4630, Jan. 18, 2001; 68 FR 51346, Aug. 26, 2003]
The purpose of this subpart is to implement title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (title VI) and the pertinent regulations of DOE so that no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance of the type subject to title VI. This subpart also implements section 16 of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974, as amended ( section 16) and section 401 of the Energy Reorganization of 1974 ( section 401) so that no person shall be excluded on the ground of sex from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance subject to section 16 or 401. The coverage of employment practices is explained in § 1040.14.
The application of this subpart is to delivery of services by and the covered employment practices of recipients and subrecipients administering or participating in any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance under laws administered by DOE covered by title VI. In addition to services and employment practices, this subpart applies to any activities of recipients or subrecipients receiving Federal financial assistance subject to section 16 and section 401.
Code of Federal Regulations
[45 FR 40515, June 13, 1980, as amended at 68 FR 51347, Aug. 26, 2003]
Covered employment means employment practices covered by title VI, section 16 and section 401.
Under title VI, such practices are those which:
Exist in a program where a primary objective of the Federal financial assistance is to provide employment; or
Cause discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin with respect to beneficiaries or potential beneficiaries of the assisted program.
Under section 16 and section 401, such practices include, but are not limited to, employment practices covered by title VI when alleging discrimination on the basis of sex. All employment practices of a recipient or subrecipient of Federal financial assistance subject to section 16 and section 401 are covered employment practices.
Title VI refers to title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. 2000d
et seq. which prohibits discrimination on the ground of race, color or national origin in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. The definitions set forth in § 1040.3 of subpart A to the extent not inconsistent with this subpart, are applicable to and incorporated into this subpart.
Code of Federal Regulations
[45 FR 40515, June 13, 1980, as amended at 68 FR 51347, Aug. 26, 2003]
(a) General.
No person in the United States shall be excluded on the ground of race, color, national origin, or sex (when covered by section 16 or section 401 ), from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program to which this subpart applies.
(b) Specific discriminatory action prohibited.
A recipient to which this subpart applies may not, directly or through contractual or other arrangements, on the ground of race, color, national origin or sex (when covered by section 16 or section 401 ):
Deny any individual any disposition, service, financial aid, or benefit provided under the program;
Provide any disposition, service, financial aid, or benefit to an individual which is different, or is provided in a different manner, from that provided to others under the program;
Subject an individual to segregation or separate treatment in any matter related to his/her receipt of any disposition, service, financial aid, or benefit under the program;
Restrict an individual in any way in the enjoyment of any advantage or privilege enjoyed by others receiving any disposition, service, financial aid, or benefit under the program;
Treat an individual differently from others in determining whether such individual satisfies any admission, enrollment, quota, eligibility, membership, or other requirement or condition which individuals must meet in order to be provided any disposition, service, financial aid, function or benefit provided under the program;
Deny an individual an opportunity to participate in the program through the provision of services or otherwise afford such individual an opportunity to do so which is different from that afforded others under the program (including the opportunity to participate in the program as an employee but only to the extent set forth in § 1040.14 of this subpart); or
Deny a person the opportunity to participate as a member of a planning or advisory body which is an integral part of the program.
A recipient, in determining the type of Federal financial assistance (i.e., disposition, services, financial aid, benefits, or facilities) which will be provided under any program, or the class of individuals to whom, or the situations in which the assistance will be provided, may not, directly or through contractual or other arrangements, utilize criteria or methods of administration which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination because of their race, color, national origin, or sex (when covered by section 16 and section 401) or have the effect of defeating or substantially impairing accomplishment of the objectives of the program with respect to individuals of a particular race, color, national origin, or sex (when covered by section 16 or section 401 ).
In determining the site or location of facilities, a recipient or applicant may not make selections with the purpose or effect of excluding individuals from, denying them the benefits of, or subjecting them to discrimination because of race, color, national origin, or sex (when covered by section 16 or 401) or with the purpose or effect of defeating or substantially impairing the accomplishment of the objectives of title VI or this subpart.
For the purpose of this section, the disposition, services, financial aid, or benefits provided under a program receiving Federal financial assistance include all portions of the recipient's program or activity, including facilities, equipment, or property provided with the aid of Federal financial assistance.
The enumeration of specific forms of prohibited discrimination in this paragraph and in § 1040.14 of this subpart does not limit the generality of the prohibition in paragraph (a) of this section.
(g) Exemptions.
Exclusion from benefits for protected groups. An individual is not to be considered subjected to discrimination by reason of his/her exclusion from benefits limited to individuals of a particular race, color, national origin or sex different from his/hers when the exclusion is provided for or required by Federal law, for example, Federal financial assistance provided exclusively to serve on-reservation Indians.
Code of Federal Regulations
[45 FR 40515, June 13, 1980, as amended at 68 FR 51347, Aug. 26, 2003]
(a) Employment practices.
Whenever a primary objective of the Federal financial assistance to a program to which this subpart applies is to provide employment, a recipient of the assistance may not (directly or through contractual or other arrangements) subject any individual to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex (when covered by section 16 and section 401) in its employment practices under the program (including recruitment or recruitment advertising, employment, layoff, or termination, upgrading, demotion or transfer, training, participation in upward mobility projects, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and use of facilities). This prohibition also applies to programs where the primary objective of the Federal financial assistance is:
To assist individuals through employment to meet expenses incident to the commencement or continuation of their education or training;
To provide work experience which contributes to the education or training of the individuals involved;
To reduce the unemployment of individuals or to help them through employment to meet subsistence needs; or
To provide employment to individuals who, because of handicaps, cannot be readily absorbed in the competitive labor market. The requirements applicable to construction under any such program are to be those specified in or under part III of Executive Order 11246, as amended, or any Executive Order which supersedes it.
In regard to Federal financial assistance which does not have provision of employment as a primary objective, the provisions of paragraph (a)(1) of this section apply to the employment practices of the recipient if discrimination on the ground of race, color, national origin, or sex (when covered by section 16 or section 401) in such employment practices tends to exclude persons from participation in, deny them the benefits of, or subject them to discrimination under the program receiving Federal financial assistance. In any such case, the provisions of paragraph (a)(1) of this section apply to the extent necessary to assure equality of opportunity to and nondiscriminatory treatment of beneficiaries.
Paragraph (a)(1) also applies to covered employment as defined in § 1040.12(a)(2).
Enforcement of title VI compliance with respect to covered employment practices is not to be superseded by State or local merit systems relating to the employment practices of the same recipient.
Code of Federal Regulations
[45 FR 40515, June 13, 1980, as amended at 68 FR 51347, Aug. 26, 2003]
The Director shall periodically conduct compliance reviews of selected recipients of DOE Federal financial assistance.
The Director shall seek to review those recipients which have the most serious equal opportunity problems which cause the greatest disparity in delivery of services on a nondiscriminatory basis. Selection for review is to be made on the basis of the following criteria, among others:
The relative disparity between the percentage of minorities, women, or handicapped persons, in the relevant labor market, and the percentage of minorities, women, or handicapped persons, employed by the recipient if employment practices are covered by this part;
The percentage of individuals covered by the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, minorities, women and handicapped persons in the population receiving program benefits.
The number and nature of discrimination complaints filed against a recipient with DOE or other Federal agencies;
The scope of the problems revealed by an investigation commenced on the basis of a complaint filed with DOE against a recipient; and
The amount of assistance provided to the recipient.
After selection of a recipient for review, the Director Federally Assisted Programs Division or the Director's designee, shall inform the recipient of the selection. The notice shall be in writing and posted thirty days prior to the scheduled review. The letter will ordinarily request data pertinent to the review and advise the recipient of:
The practices to be reviewed;
The programs or activities affected by the review;
The opportunity to make, at any time prior to receipt of DOE's finding, a written submission responding to DOE which explains, validates, or otherwise addresses the practices under review; and
The schedule under which the review will be conducted and a determination of compliance or noncompliance made.
Within 90 days of arriving on-site to conduct the review, the Director, FAPD, shall advise the recipient, in writing, of:
Preliminary findings;
Where appropriate, recommendations for achieving voluntary compliance; and
The opportunity to request DOE to engage in voluntary compliance negotiations prior to the Director's final determination of compliance or noncompliance. The Director or the Director's designee shall notify the Assistant Attorney General at the same time the recipient is notified of any matter where recommendations for achieving voluntary compliance are made.
If, within 45 days of the recipient's notification under paragraph (d) of this section, the Director's (FAPD) recommendations for compliance are not met, or voluntary compliance is not secured, or the preliminary findings are not shown to be false, the matter will be forwarded to the Director for a determination of compliance or noncompliance. The determination is to be made no later than 60 days after the recipient has been notified of the preliminary findings. If the Director makes a determination of noncompliance, the Department shall institute actions specified in subparts G and H.
Where the Director makes a formal determination of noncompliance, the recipient and the Assistant Attorney General shall be immediately advised, in writing, of the determination and of the fact that the recipient has an additional 10 days in which to come into voluntary compliance. If voluntary compliance has not been achieved within the 10 days, the Director shall institute proceedings under subpart H.
All agreements to come into voluntary compliance shall be in writing and signed by the Director and an official who has authority to legally bind the recipient.
(a) Cooperation and assistance.
Each responsible Departmental official shall, to the fullest extent practicable, seek the cooperation of recipients in obtaining compliance with this part and shall provide assistance and guidance to recipients to help them comply voluntarily with this part.
(b) Compliance reports.
Each recipient shall keep reports and submit to the responsible Department official or his/her designee, timely, complete, and accurate compliance reports at the times, in such form, and containing information as the responsible Department official or the designee may determine to be necessary to enable him/her to ascertain whether the recipient has complied or is complying with this part. In general, recipients should have available for DOE data on program participants, identified by race, color, national origin, sex, age and handicap status. In the case of any program under which a primary recipient extends Federal financial assistance to any other recipient or subcontracts with any other person or group, such other recipient shall also submit compliance reports to the primary recipient which will enable the primary recipient to carry out its obligations under this part.
(c) Access to sources of information.
Each recipient shall permit access by the responsible Department official or his/her designee during normal business hours to books, records, personnel records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities, which are pertinent to ascertain compliance with this part. The requirement for access to sources of information shall be contained in the certificate of assurance and agreed to by the recipient as a condition to award. Whenever any information required of a recipient is in the exclusive possession of any other agency, institution, or person and that agency, institution, or person fails or refuses to furnish that information, the recipient shall certify this in its report and set forth the efforts which it has made to obtain the information. The sub-recipient in such case shall be subject to proceedings described under subpart H of this part.
(d) Information to beneficiaries and participants.
Each recipient shall make available to participants, beneficiaries, and other interested persons information regarding the provisions of this section and its applicability to the program under which the recipient receives Federal financial assistance. Information is to be made available to beneficiaries, participants, and other interested persons in a manner which the responsible Department officials find necessary to inform such persons of the protections against discrimination assured them by this part and the statutes to which this part applies.
The Director, FAPD, shall investigate complaints of discrimination that allege a violation of—
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Sec. 16 of the Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974, as amended, or Sec. 401 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974;
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended;
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended;
Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, (reserved in this part);
Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, (reserved in this part);
Civil rights provisions of statutes administered pursuant to the DOE Organization Act, Pub. L. 95-91.
No complaint will be investigated if it is received by an appropriate Departmental official more than 180 days after the date of the alleged discrimination, unless the time for filing is extended by the Director, FAPD, for good cause shown. Where a complaint is accepted for investigation, the Director, FAPD, will initiate a DOE investigation. The Director, FAPD, who is responsible for the investigation, shall notify the complainant, in writing, if the complaint has been accepted or rejected.
The Director, FAPD, or his/her designee shall conduct investigations of complaints as follows:
Within 35 days of receipt of a complaint, the Director, FAPD, shall:
determine whether DOE has jurisdiction under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section;
If jurisdiction is not found, wherever possible, refer the complaint to the Federal agency with such jurisdiction and advise the complainant;
If jurisdiction is found, notify the recipient alleged to be discriminating of receipt of the complaint; and
Initiate the investigation.
The investigation will ordinarily be initiated by a letter requesting data pertinent to the complaint and advising the recipient of:
The nature of the complaint and, with the written consent of the complainant, the identity of the complainant. The identity of the complainant may be revealed by the Director, FAPD, OEO, without the complainant's written consent if the Director, FAPD, OEO, determines that such action is necessary for resolution of the complaint;
The program or activities affected by the complaint;
The opportunity to make, at any time prior to receipt of DOE's findings, a documentary submission responding to, rebutting, or denying the allegations made in the complaint; and
The schedule under which the complaint will be investigated and a determination of compliance made.
Within 90 days of initiating the investigation, the Director, FAPD, shall advise the recipient, in writing of:
Preliminary findings;
Where appropriate, recommendations for achieving voluntary compliance; and
The opportunity to request DOE to engage in voluntary compliance negotiations prior to the Director's final determination of compliance or noncompliance. The Director or the Director's designee shall notify the Assistant Attorney General and the recipient of any matter where recommendations for achieving voluntary compliance are made.
If, within 45 days of the recipient's notification under paragraph (c)(3) of this section, the Director's (FAPD) recommendations for compliance are not met, or voluntary compliance is not secured, or the preliminary findings are not shown to be false, the matter will be forwarded to the Director, OEO, for a determination of compliance or noncompliance. The determination is to be made no later than 60 days after the recipient has been notified of the preliminary findings. If the Director makes a determination of noncompliance, the Department shall institute actions specified in subpart H.
Where the Director makes a formal determination of noncompliance, the recipient and the Assistant Attorney General shall be immediately advised, in writing, of the determination and of the fact that the recipient has an additional 10 days in which to come into voluntary compliance. If voluntary compliance has not been achieved within the 10 days, the Director shall institute proceedings under subpart H. All agreements to come into voluntary compliance shall be in writing and signed by the Director, OEO, and an official who has authority to legally bind the recipient. The complainant shall also be notified of any action taken including the closing of the complaint or achievement of voluntary compliance.
If the complainant or party other than the Attorney General has filed suit in Federal or State court alleging the same discrimination alleged in a complaint to DOE, and if during DOE's investigation, the trial of that suit would be in progress, DOE will consult with the Assistant Attorney General and court records to determine the need to continue or suspend the investigation and will monitor the litigation through the court docket and contacts with the complainant. Upon receipt of notice that the court has made a finding of discrimination against a recipient that would constitute a violation of this part, the DOE may institute administrative proceedings as specified in subpart H after DOE has advised the recipient, in writing, of an opportunity to request voluntary compliance under this section. All agreements to come into voluntary compliance shall be in writing and signed by the Director and an official who has authority to legally bind the recipient.
The time limits listed in paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(6) of this section shall be appropriately adjusted where DOE requests another Federal agency to act on the complaint. DOE is to monitor the progress of the matter through liaison with the other agency. Where the request to act does not result in timely resolution of the matter, DOE is to institute appropriate proceedings as required by this part.
(d) Intimidatory or retaliatory acts prohibited.
No recipient or other person shall intimidate, threaten, coerce, or discriminate against any individual for the purpose of interfering with any right or privilege secured by the laws implemented in this part or because the complainant has made a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this subpart. The identity of complainants is to be kept confidential except as determined by the Director, FAPD, to be necessary to carry out the purpose of this subpart, including investigations, hearings, or judicial proceedings arising thereunder.
If there appears to be a failure or threatened failure to comply with any of the provisions of this part, and if the noncompliance or threatened noncompliance cannot be corrected by voluntary means, compliance with this part may be effected by the suspension, termination of, or refusal to grant or to continue Federal financial assistance, or by any other means authorized by law. Such other means may include, but are not limited to:
Referral to the Department of Justice with a recommendation that appropriate proceedings be brought to enforce any rights of the United States under any law including the Civil Rights Act of 1964, other statutes to which this part applies, or any assurance or other contractual undertaking; and
Any applicable proceeding under State or local law.
If an applicant fails or refuses to furnish an assurance required under § 1040.4 of subpart A of this part, or otherwise fails or refuses to comply with a requirement imposed by this part, such as § 1040.102(c), subpart G of this part, action to refuse Federal financial assistance shall be taken in accordance with procedures of § 1040.114 of this subpart.
DOE may defer action on pending applications for assistance in such a case during pendency of administrative proceedings under § 1040.114 of this subpart.
No order suspending, terminating, or refusing to grant or continue Federal financial assistance is to become effective until:
Informational notice of the proposed order is given to the Executive Assistant to the Secretary, if the action is contemplated against a State or local government;
The Director has advised the applicant or recipient of his/her failure to comply and has determined that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means. (It will be determined by the Director that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means if it has not been secured within the time periods specifically set forth by this part.)
There has been an express finding on the record, after opportunity for hearing, of a failure by the applicant or recipient to comply with the requirement imposed by or under this part:
The FERC has notified the Secretary of its finding of noncompliance; and
The expiration of 30 days after the Secretary or a designee has filed with the committee of the House of Representatives and the committee of the Senate having legislative jurisdiction over the program involved, a full written report of the circumstances and the grounds for such action. Any action to suspend, terminate, or to refuse to grant or to continue Federal financial assistance is to be limited to the particular political entity or part of that entity or other applicant or recipient to whom the finding has been made and shall be limited in its effect to the particular program or part of the program in which the noncompliance has been found.
No action to effect compliance by any other means authorized by law is to be taken until—
The Director has determined that compliance cannot be secured by voluntary means;
The recipient or other person has been notified by the Director, in writing, that it has been found in formal noncompliance and that it has 10 days before formal enforcement proceedings begin in which to enter into a written voluntary compliance agreement.
The expiration of at least ten (10) days from the mailing of the notice to the recipient or other person.
Whenever an opportunity for hearing is required by § 1040.113, the Director, OEO, or his/her designee shall serve on the applicant or recipient, by registered, certified mail, or return receipt requested, a notice of opportunity for hearing which will:
Inform the applicant or recipient of the action proposed to be taken and of his/her right within twenty (20) days of the date of the notice of opportunity for hearing, or another period which may be specified in the notice, to request a hearing;
Set forth the alleged item or items of noncompliance with this part;
State that compliance with this part may be effected by an order providing for the termination of or refusal to grant or to continue assistance, as appropriate, under the program involved; and
Provide that the applicant or recipient may file a written answer with the Director, OEO, to the notice of opportunity for hearing under oath or affirmation within twenty (20) days of its date, or another period which may be specified in the notice.
An applicant or recipient may file an answer, and waive or fail to request a hearing, without waiving the requirement for findings of fact and conclusions of law or the right to seek review by the FERC in accordance with the provisions established by the FERC. At the time an answer is filed, the applicant or recipient may also submit written information or argument for the record if he/she does not request a hearing.
An answer or stipulation may consent to the entry of an order in substantially the form set forth in the notice of opportunity for hearing. The order may be entered by the General Counsel or his/her designee. The consent of the applicant or recipient to the entry of an order shall constitute a waiver by him/her of a right to:
A hearing under Sec. 902 of title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 602 of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 16, Section 401 and § 1040.113 ;
Findings of fact and conclusions of law; and
Seek review by the FERC.
The failure of an applicant or recipient to file an answer within the period prescribed or, if the applicant or recipient requests a hearing, his failure to appear at the hearing shall constitute a waiver by him/her of a right to:
A hearing under Section 902 of title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 602 of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 16, Section 401, and § 1040.113 ;
Conclusions of law; and
Seek review by the FERC.
In the event of such a waiver, the Secretary or a designee may find the facts on the basis of the record available and enter an order in substantially the form set forth in the notice of opportunity for hearing.
An order entered in accordance with paragraph (c) or (d) of this section shall constitute the final decision of DOE unless the FERC, within forty-five (45) days after entry of the order, issues a subsequent decision which shall then constitute the final decision of DOE.
A copy of an order entered by the FERC official shall be mailed to the applicant or recipient and to the complainant, if any.
Whenever an applicant or recipient requests a hearing or review in accordance with § 1040.121(a)(1) or (b), the DOE General Counsel or his/her designee shall submit such request along with other appropriate documents to the FERC.
In cases in which the same or related facts are asserted to constitute noncompliance with this part with respect to two or more programs to which this part applies or noncompliance with this part and the regulations of one or more other Federal departments or agencies issued to implement the requirements of the laws cited in this part, the Secretary or a designee, in coordination with FERC may, by agreement with other departments or agencies, where applicable, provide for the conduct of consolidated or joint hearings and for the application to such hearings of rules of procedure not inconsistent with this part. Final decision in such cases, insofar as programs subject to this part are concerned, shall be made in accordance with procedures established by the FERC.
The FERC has authority under section 402(b) of the DOE Organization Act, Pub. L. 95-91, to promulgate regulations regarding the conduct of hearings to deny or terminate Federal financial assistance. Rules for conduct of hearings will be published by the FERC and will be placed in title 18 CFR.
Final DOE actions taken under this part to withhold or terminate Federal financial assistance are subject to judicial review under the following laws:
Title VI— Section 603 of the Civil Rights Act of 1964;
Title IX— Section 903 of the Education Amendments of 1972;
Section 16, Section 401, Section 504 —Pub. L. 89-554, 5 U.S.C. 702 ;
Section 419 and Section 420 of the Energy Conservation and Production Act of 1976, as amended.