Under section 161a. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, the Commission may establish advisory bodies to make recommendations to it. Currently, four committees are in existence.
The Advisory Committee on Medical Uses of Isotopes (ACMUI) was established by the Atomic Energy Commission in July 1958. The ACMUI, composed of physicians and scientists, considers medical questions referred to it by the NRC staff and renders expert opinions regarding medical uses of radioisotopes. The ACMUI also advises the NRC staff, as requested, on matters of policy regarding licensing of medical uses of radioisotopes.
The Advisory Committee for the Decontamination of Three Mile Island, Unit 2, was established by the NRC in October 1980. Its purpose is to obtain input and views from the residents of the Three Mile Island area and afford Pennsylvania government officials an opportunity to participate in the Commission's decisional process regarding cleanup for Three Mile Island, Unit 2.
The Nuclear Safety Research Review Committee (NSRRC) was established by the NRC in February 1988 for the purpose of reporting to the Commission through the Director of the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research on important management matters in the direction of the Commission's nuclear safety research program. The committee activities cover all aspects of nuclear safety research including, but not limited to, accident management, plant aging, human factors and system reliability, earth science, waste disposal and seismic and structural engineering. In performing its activities, the committee evaluates and reports on the conformance of the nuclear safety research program to the NRC philosophy of nuclear regulatory research. The committee conducts specialized studies when requested by the Commission or Director of the Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research. The committee interacts with the Office of Research management staff and selected contractors in private industry, at national laboratories and universities.
The Licensing Support Network Advisory Review Panel (LSNARP) was established by the Commission on October 3, 1989, pursuant to 10 CFR 2.1011(e) of the Commission's regulations. The LSNARP provides advice to the Commission on the design, development, and operation of the Licensing Support Network (LSN) an electronic information management system for use in the Commission's high-level radioactive waste (HLW) licensing proceeding. Membership consists of those interests that will be affected by the use of the LSN, and selected Federal agencies with expertise in large-scale electronic information systems. The individual representatives of these interests and agencies possess expertise in management information science and in managing records of the Commission's licensing process for the HLW repository.
Code of Federal Regulations
[52 FR 31602, Aug. 21, 1987, as amended at 54 FR 53314, Dec. 28, 1989; 68 FR 75389, Dec. 31, 2003]